Be a Winner!
Wanna Win? Then have an attitude Б─≤DO OR DIE.Б─≥ The first and the most important thing is to have a strong desire to achieve success. Hard work is just the checking in procedure.
You must first of all have the desire to reach your goal. Intense desire can be maintained throughout the journey to success by constantly reminding yourself of your goal and the toughness to achieve it.
After setting your goals start working hard for it. Plan your schedule and follow it with discipline. Also keep a few reserve hours Reserve hours are the hours which are kept reserve in case you have some pending or important tasks, or else you can enjoy during those times. But do not be under the impression that you may complete your work in the reserve hour. Since the reserve hour is meant only to complete work pending, at times due to some genuine reason.
The genuine reason for pending work is procrastination. Do not keep postponing your work. Б─≤Kill the monster when it is small.Б─≥ According to ParkinsonБ─≥s Law of time management, the work assigned expands or contracts to fit into the time interval. For example, if a professor assigns you three sums to be solved in three hours, you have lots of time and you will postpone your work for the next two hours. But if he gives 15 minutes to solve the same three sums, then amazingly you do it in time. Such is our psychology.
Once you work hard you will automatically develop confidence. Confidence is the thing that will always keep you on the front. As you gain confidence you will have command i.e. you will master the task assigned.
Also working hard just doesnБ─≥t mean donkeys work. In this modern world fast and smart work is better appreciated. We live in the modern world and our generation is google generation.
Use internet to visit sites like to have the most accurate and most precise search on the web. Right from learning to polish your shoes to learning the working of a space shuttle, you can search almost limits.
Last but not the least keep motivating yourself regularly; because the enthusiasm graph gradually falls down with time. Motivation may of the kind of listening to good music, watching a joshila movie, etc. Reward yourself after every achievement. But also do not forget to punish yourself if you fail to do so. Punishment may be of the kind of shortening your leisure time, etc. which will be fruitful.
-Pavani Adarsh Kumar
Wanna Win? Then have an attitude Б─≤DO OR DIE.Б─≥ The first and the most important thing is to have a strong desire to achieve success. Hard work is just the checking in procedure.
You must first of all have the desire to reach your goal. Intense desire can be maintained throughout the journey to success by constantly reminding yourself of your goal and the toughness to achieve it.
After setting your goals start working hard for it. Plan your schedule and follow it with discipline. Also keep a few reserve hours Reserve hours are the hours which are kept reserve in case you have some pending or important tasks, or else you can enjoy during those times. But do not be under the impression that you may complete your work in the reserve hour. Since the reserve hour is meant only to complete work pending, at times due to some genuine reason.
The genuine reason for pending work is procrastination. Do not keep postponing your work. Б─≤Kill the monster when it is small.Б─≥ According to ParkinsonБ─≥s Law of time management, the work assigned expands or contracts to fit into the time interval. For example, if a professor assigns you three sums to be solved in three hours, you have lots of time and you will postpone your work for the next two hours. But if he gives 15 minutes to solve the same three sums, then amazingly you do it in time. Such is our psychology.
Once you work hard you will automatically develop confidence. Confidence is the thing that will always keep you on the front. As you gain confidence you will have command i.e. you will master the task assigned.
Also working hard just doesnБ─≥t mean donkeys work. In this modern world fast and smart work is better appreciated. We live in the modern world and our generation is google generation.
Use internet to visit sites like to have the most accurate and most precise search on the web. Right from learning to polish your shoes to learning the working of a space shuttle, you can search almost limits.
Last but not the least keep motivating yourself regularly; because the enthusiasm graph gradually falls down with time. Motivation may of the kind of listening to good music, watching a joshila movie, etc. Reward yourself after every achievement. But also do not forget to punish yourself if you fail to do so. Punishment may be of the kind of shortening your leisure time, etc. which will be fruitful.
-Pavani Adarsh Kumar
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